Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally, Some Warmth!

The last two days we have had some glorious weather! Glorious for Kansas in January anyway. And actually as I type this, the weatherman is predicting 4 to 8 inches of snow.  The weathermen are never accurate. I almost feel a little sorry for them. 
Anyways, Bo and I soaked up the opportunity to get outside and absorb some vitamin D.  This is regardless of the phone call from my brother early that morning warning us of a cougar sighting at a farm behind our house the night before.  We didn't let a cougar sighting strip us of our opportunity to get away from the same four walls we've been staring at for weeks!  That boy had cabin fever and his mama was getting a little irritated by it!

We headed out behind our house where Bo likes to dig in the dirt with his tractors.  It was pretty windy back there, so we loaded up his John Deere wagon with all his toys and went up to the front yard where there was a good wind block.  His tractors and wagon were caked in dried mud, so I thought this would be a great time to get them cleaned up a bit.  We took the hose out to the street and went to town!

Cruz joined us outside, but wasn't enjoying the sunshine in his eyes.  I can HAPPILY say that that child has gotten over his ear infections and is acting like a NEW baby!  He has been content as ever to sit and play and nap when his mama lays him down. Thank goodness!!

1 comment:

Kylie said...

Can you believe that it was so nice out, and now everything is covered in snow?!? Nice shots of Bo with his toys!